Wait, it's February?
How did that happen? Oh, right. There's A LOT going on in the world. I'll keep it simple. Here are some resources I've found useful or interesting over the past few weeks. Peace and love, y'all!
Reboot Episode 132 – The Startup Myths – with David Sax
So you think you want to be an entrepreneur? Or, maybe you think you can’t be an entrepreneur because you can’t go big enough? Or, maybe you think you’re failing at being an entrepreneur because you’re not big enough. Not so fast! This episode of Reboot explores the bullshit myths of entrepreneurship with David Sax, who has a new book called The Soul of the Entrepreneur: Work and Life Beyond the Startup Myth.
If you want to dive deeper into this and have coaching or support to help you launch your business, let me know. I’ve been there, and I’d love to help you.
The Uncertain Hour, Season 5
This season focuses on independent contractors vs. employees, and how hard some companies try to exploit this and get out of supporting their workers.

Climate Science Education for Congress
Sad that this is not a joke.
I asked my Twitter friends what I should watch the other night. Check this thread to see their responses. I started Doom Patrol, but episode two is going to have to really win me over. It’s dark. Palm Springs was light and fun.

“If I hadn’t asked the question, I would never have experienced this moment.”
– I’m currently reading Jia Jiang’s Rejection Proof. Check it out.
My stepbrother is doing a cool project to use LiDAR to digitally scan and preserve historic buildings in the Austin area in an online catalog. Check it out.
“Disabled people, fat people, elders, and people with AIDS or other illnesses are being specifically targeted for denial of life-saving care during care rationing.”
Comic: How to Raise Informed Citizens
Meet YInMn, the First New Blue Pigment in Two Centuries
Love it. I can’t wait to use this color in something. And buy something in this color.
Peace and love, y’all. Be kind to each other.